Surgery for Chronic Pancreatitis

Surgery for Chronic Pancreatitis

For selected cases of chronic pancreatitis symptoms, surgery may be considered. Some of the recommended surgeries include:

  • Nerve-block surgery is a procedure that aims to alleviate pain by intentionally disrupting the transmission of pain signals to a specific area. This is achieved by surgically cutting or damaging particular nerves.
  • Pancreaticojejunostomy (Drainage procedure) aims to relieve pain by reducing pressure in the pancreas caused by blockages. These blockages are typically due to pancreatic duct stones or strictures.

Surgery to manage chronic pancreatitis may also include removal of the pancreas, which can take either of the following forms:

  • Partial removal of the pancreas
  • Total removal of the pancreas

The removal of the pancreas, either partially or fully, has been noted to reduce pain in patients with chronic pancreatitis. In the case of a total removal of the pancreas, transplantation of islet cells can be a consideration in order to prevent diabetes.

Our dedicated team is ready to support you every step of the way.

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6 Napier Road, #10-01, Gleneagles Medical Centre, Singapore 258499

Tel: +65 6475 1488
Fax: +65 6475 1489

Opening Hours Mon – Fri: 9am to 5pm
Sat: 9am to 12pm
Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays