Liver Cysts & Abscesses

What Are Liver Cysts & Abscesses?

An abscess in the liver is a collection of thick fluid or pus; it is usually caused by the presence of bacterial, parasitic, and/or fungal organisms that spread from a person’s digestive tract.

Pus is composed of white blood cells, dead cells, and bacteria that form when our body fights against the infection. Abscess is normally accompanied by swelling and inflammation in the areas surrounding the liver causing pain and swelling in the abdomen.

Compared to liver abscesses, liver cysts have no pus. It usually develops incidentally or congenitally, making it difficult to predict its exact prevalence. Most patients suffering from liver cysts are diagnosed above the age of 40.

Listed below are different types of liver cysts:

Simple Cysts: These are usually congenital and are lined with biliary-type epithelium (fluid cyst is continuously secreted and re-accumulated after aspiration). Most cysts are single and associated with symptoms, such as discomfort, pain, and upper abdominal bloating. However, studies have shown that only 5% of the patients affected by liver cysts ever develop any symptoms. The vast majority of such cysts are left alone once diagnosed unless patients are symptomatic.

Complex cysts: Such cysts may demonstrate septae within the cyst, can be multi-loculated, or have nodules along the cyst wall. These cyst characteristics are important to identify as complex cysts may be worrisome or have risk of cancer transformation.

Polycystic Liver Disease (PCLD/PLD): It is a congenital condition that is usually related to autosomal dominant polycystic kidney syndrome with mutations in SEC63, PRKCSH, PKD1 or PKD2 genes. One may experience pain in the tummy and right side of the rib cage.

Neoplastic cysts: Biliary cystadenomas or cystadenocarcinomas are considered rare conditions. Patients may be asymptomatic or experience vague symptoms including bloating, fullness, and nausea. If the cysts are enlarged, patients may have abdominal pain. Typically, such cysts contain bile fluid as opposed to clear fluid in simple cysts.

Hydatid cysts: These are mainly caused by the infestation of a parasite known as Echinococcus granulosus. Dogs, wolves, and other carnivores act as hosts, releasing parasite eggs in their stools, which humans may inadvertently ingest. The egg larvae invade the person’s mesenteric vessels and gastrointestinal tract, passing through the liver to complete its lifecycle. It is observed that people having direct contact with dogs, or those who raise sheep or cattle, are at higher risk of contracting this disease.

If you suspect that you might be suffering from a liver cyst or abscess, consult our liver specialists for a detailed assessment today.
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What Are the Common Symptoms of a Liver Abscess?

Patients with liver abscesses may experience the following symptoms:

    • Fever
    • Shivering
    • Vomiting
    • Weight loss
    • Loss of appetite
    • Weakness
    • Pain in the liver
    • Brownish urine
    • Jaundice

What Are the Complications Associated with a Liver Abscess?

A liver abscess can be fatal if it is not treated promptly. Other complications include:

  • Overwhelming infection
  • Rupture of abscess
  • Subphrenic abscess
  • Dissemination of infection to other organs (brain, prostate, etc.)
  • Liver failure

What Are the Suggested Treatments for a Liver Abscess?

Antibiotics: These are often the first line of treatment doctors offer to treat the abscess. The antibiotic course may take approximately 1 to 2 months for full treatment.

Drainage: Patients who are diagnosed with a large pyogenic liver abscess can be treated with image-guided drainage with a CT scan or ultrasonography. Surgical drainage may be needed for liver abscesses larger than 5 cm in size, multiloculated or multiple in nature.

Supportive measures: Other supportive measures to treat this condition include taking appropriate nutrition and adequate intake of fluids.

Liver cysts usually display no obvious symptoms and are commonly identified during health screenings and checkups. Some cysts are potentially dangerous and life-threatening, hence specialist consultation for worrisome liver cysts is warranted.

Our dedicated team is ready to support you every step of the way.

Send us a message and we will be in touch shortly.

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6 Napier Road, #10-01, Gleneagles Medical Centre, Singapore 258499

Tel: +65 6475 1488
Fax: +65 6475 1489

Opening Hours Mon – Fri: 9am to 5pm
Sat: 9am to 12pm
Closed on Sunday and Public Holidays